
財團法人拉縴人文化藝術基金會 TMC Culture and Arts Foundation

藝術顧問 Artistic Consultant

松下耕(Ko Matsushita)
日本東京出生與成長的作曲曁指揮家,現任12個合唱團的指揮與藝術總監,經常受邀至日本、歐洲、美國、加拿大、以及亞洲各地演出。在松下老師的指揮下,合唱團們於各地的巡迴音樂會中的表現獲得極佳的讚譽,並在不同的國際合唱比賽中奪得大獎。身為一位多產的作曲與編曲者,松下耕的作品被全世界的合唱團頻繁的展演。作品的類型十分廣泛,從傳統的日本音樂、彌撒、經文歌、到合唱練習曲等等,廣受各大國際出版公司所重視,包含日本的Edition KAWAI, PanaMusica, Ongaku no tomosha Corp. 以及海外有如德國:CarusVerlag、芬蘭的SULASOL … 等等。
2005年,松下耕成為第一位榮獲“Robert Edler Prize for Choral Music”的亞洲音樂家,彰顯他在合唱指揮、合唱作曲、合唱音樂展演領域、及合唱音樂教育推廣上之於全球的卓越成就 ; 2016年3月,受邀前往德國斯圖加特巴哈音樂學院講授介紹他的作品,同時新作《De profundisclamavi》由薩布呂肯室內合唱團於斯圖加特國立音樂暨表演藝術學院首演發表; 緊接著,松下耕老師的作品《Salva me》也被同一個德國合唱團在2017年於巴塞隆納舉行的第十一屆世界合唱論壇(World Symposium on Choral Music)中做世界首演; 2017年9月,由松下耕創作的《Te Deum》,一部寫給四個男聲合唱團、管風琴、弦樂四重奏、打擊樂的大型作品,於台灣台北的國家音樂廳由拉縴人男聲合唱團與三個國際級男聲重唱團體舉行首演。

東京國際合唱組織執行長 世界合唱理事會理事
輕井澤國際合唱節藝術總監 東京合唱協會副總裁
東京國際合唱大賽藝術總監 日本合唱協會東京支部副總裁
日本作曲編曲家協會會員 財團法人拉縴人文化藝術基金會藝術顧問


About / Ko Matsushita
Composer and conductor born and raised in Tokyo. Matsushita is currently the conductor and artistic director of 12 choirs, which are often invited to perform in Japan, Europe, America, Canada, and Asia. They have also achieved excellent showings in the choral circuit and won awards in international competitions. A prolific composer and arranger, Matsushita’s works are performed around the world. His compositions vary widely, ranging from works based on traditional Japanese music, Masses, motets, to etudes for choirs.
Besides conducting and composing, Matsushita is also an active workshop clinician and lecturer both within and outside Japan. In recent years, he has adjudicated at many international choral competitions and composition competitions around the world.
In 2005, he became the first Asian to receive the“Robert Edler Prize for Choral Music” in recognition of his outstanding achievements worldwide in conducting, composing, performance, and education within the field of choral music.
Most recently, he was invited to Bach Academy Stuttgart as a lecturer for workshop about his works in March 2016, at the same time his new work “De profundis clamavi” was performed by KammerChor Saarbrückn as a world premiere in Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Stuttgart. Furthermore, His work “Salva me” was performed by same choir as a world premiere on the 11th World Symposium on Choral Music in Barcelona 2017. He was a member of the artistic committee of that symposium. He is an executive director of the International Choral Organization of Tokyo, the Artistic director of the Karuizawa International Choral Festival and Tokyo International Choir Competition.