
拉縴人歌手 Taipei Male Singers

2014年「拉縴人歌手」成立,即與德國「黑森林歌手」藝術指導Christian Schmidt
舉辦創團音樂會,2015年邀請前英國「國王歌手」Paul Phoenix客座指導及共同演出,是國內少數與國際知名團體密切合作的重唱團隊。20153月,拉縴人歌手前往日本參加第八屆福島重唱大賽,於200多支隊伍的激烈競爭中,脫穎而出,獲得初賽金賞,並為創賽八屆以來,首支獲得決賽獎盃的國外團隊。凱旋歸國後並推出「金曲美聲.縴動臺灣」音樂會,於新竹、苗栗、臺中、彰化、花蓮、臺東及外島澎湖)推出全臺共七場的黃金製作,持續推廣男聲合唱不遺餘力。


第一男高音|卓冠甫 賴世壕   侯宗佑
第二男高音|陳駿騏 葛 飛 周玉庭
男 中 音|黃世雄 簡正育   游博能
男 低 音|許啟群 陳志交 顏子鈞

About / Taipei Male Singers
Since the foundation of Taipei Male Choir in 1998, the choir has won numerous awards both domestically and internationally, accumulating more than 20 prizes in total. In 2012, the choir participated in the Audi Festival in Germany and received great praise for its participation in the "King's Singers" master class. This event inspired TMC to found Taipei Male Singers, seeking to reach musical performance in a broader perspective under the scale of a male singing group.
Shortly after the foundation of Taipei Male Singers, the group collaborated with Christian Schmidt, the art director of “Die Singphoniker”, in their premiere concert. In 2015, the group invited Paul Phoenix, who was the former member of Kings’ Singers, as the guest advisor and collaborative artist in the concert, setting the reputation for Taipei Male Singers as one of the singing groups in Taiwan that collaborate actively with international musicians and artists. In March 2015, the group participated in the 8th Fukushima Vocal Ensemble Competition in Japan, and they stood out from more than 200 groups to win the Gold Medal at the first round. In the final round, they also won a prize, marking them as the first foreign choir to get in the final round throughout the history of competition. After they got back from the competition in Japan, they held tour concerts at several locations in Taiwan such as Hsinchu, Miaoli, Taichung, Changhua, Hualien, Taitung and Penghu, seeking to promote the arts of male choral music.

In August 2014, the group was invited to perform in the Music Festival of Poznan Boys’ Choir in Poznan, Poland.
In August 2015, they were invited to the 20th European Festival of Youth Choirs with tours in Germany and Italy. They were also granted an interview with the ambassador of Vatican, and held their exlusive concert in Rome.
In February 2017, they were invited to participate in the “4th Petrozavodsk Chorus Festival” in Russia as the first Asian choir invited to the festival in their history.